Confirm before navigating away from unsaved edits, using javascript and Backbone

Here’s an approach to putting up a confirmation dialog whenever the user navigates away from a view containing unsaved edits, so that the user doesn’t unintentionally lose those edits.

A working example is available on github.

Use Case

My use case is as follows. Our application is a single page application written in JavaScript that makes use of Backbone routing to navigate between major tasks. Each of those major tasks is implemented by one or more view managers (basically Backbone Views which implement a view container and controller for multiple views that work on a defined set of data). We allow the user to make a set of edits and explicitly decide when to save them to the server, rather than push every edit to the server as it happens. We don’t want the user to accidentally lose those edits before they are saved. Some of the ways that could occur are:

  • User selects an in-application navigation that triggers Backbone routing
  • User refreshes URL or types a new URL
  • User closes the browser window or tab


The basic approach I took was inspired by Kevin Yao’s post, Page Closing Confirmation with jQuery Custom Event. I liked his idea of listening for the window ‘beforeunload’ event and triggering a custom event that any interested party (in our case, the view managers) could respond to. However, I wanted to use Backbone for the events rather than plain JQuery, and I needed to catch in-application navigation as well.

Catching the ‘beforeunload’ event

The following code is called as part of our application overall setup.

$(window).bind('beforeunload', function(){
  var status = {
    unsavedEdits: false

  Backbone.trigger('myapp:navigate', status);
  if (status.unsavedEdits) {
    return status.msg || "There are unsaved edits. Continuing will discard these edits.";

Line 1 listens for the ‘beforeunload’ event which happens when the user closes the tab, reloads or enters a new URL.

Lines 2-5 set up a ‘status’ object in the event will be used by the view managers to communicate if they have unsaved edits, and to provide a message to be displayed.

Line 6 triggers a custom event ‘myapp:navigate’, using the Backbone object as a global event bus.

Lines 7-9 checks whether any of the ‘myapp:navigate’ handlers have set the status.unsavedEdits flag. If so, it returns a non-empty string, which the browser may or may not choose to display (Firefox does not – see WindowEventHandlers.onbeforeunload).

Communicating if there are unsaved edits

The following code is in the view managers:

this.listenTo(Backbone, "myapp:navigate", function(status){
  if (this.unsavedEdits()){
    status.unsavedEdits = true;
    status.msg = "There are unsaved edits to XXX. Continuing will discard these edits.";

Line 1 listens for the custom ‘myapp:navigate’ event on the global event bus. When it occurs, lines 2-5 check whether there are unsaved edits, and if so, set the status.unsavedEdits flag, and optionally a message to be displayed.

Catching in-application navigation

To catch in-application navigation, I added code to the router to check for unsaved edits before routing to a new URL. Arguably, it may be preferable to intercept any navigation events before they reach the router. However, I opted to handle the logic in a single place, rather than adding logic wherever there is navigation.

The following code is in a routine that gets triggered for any route change resulting in a change of view managers (i.e. where there is a potential for unsaved edits to be lost).

var status = { 
  unsavedEdits: false
Backbone.trigger('myapp:navigate', status);

if(status.unsavedEdits) {
  var confirmed = window.confirm(status.msg || "There are unsaved edits. Continuing will discard these edits.");
  if (!confirmed){
    var history = this.history;
    if (history.length > 1){
      this.navigate(history[history.length-2], {replace: true});							

Lines 1-6 are the same as before… set up a status object, trigger a custom ‘myapp:navigate” event on the global event bus, and check whether the unsavedEdits flag has been set.

If the flag is set, line 7 uses a windows confirmation dialog to warn the user and get their response.

If the user does not want to proceed, we now have the issue that the URL has been added to the history and needs to be removed (or else subsequent navigation to that URL may be disabled). Lines 9-12 achieve this by replacing the newly added URL with its predecessor, using navigate with the replace option.

Getting started with Chef report and exception handlers

This post is for people who want to use or write their first Chef report handler, but aren’t sure where to begin. I first attempted to write a handler just after I learned how to write basic Chef recipes. It was hard, because I only had a rudimentary understanding of Chef mechanics, and I was learning Ruby as I went. This article would have got me started faster. However, in the end you are going to be writing Ruby, and probably you’ll need to get deeper into Chef too.

The three types of handler

There are three types of handler:

  • Start handler – Runs at the beginning of a chef-client run
  • Report handler – Runs at the end of a chef-client run, after all of the recipes have successfully completed
  • Exception handler – Runs at the end of a chef-client run if it exits with an error code

I am going to gloss over start handlers: they are less common and somewhat more complex because you have to get the handler in place before the chef-client run happens (so you can’t distribute them in a recipe).

Report handlers are useful for gathering information about a chef-client run (e.g. what cookbook versions were run, what resources were updated). Exception handlers are useful to capture information about failed runs, or to perform cleanup on exception (e.g. cleaning up frozen filesystem resources).

Using the built-in handlers

The most basic place to start is being able to run one of the built-in handlers. At current time of writing, there are two handlers built in to the chef-client: the json_file handler, and the error_report handler. The benefit of starting here is you don’t have to worry about how to get the handler code onto the nodes that you want to run them on – they’re distributed with the chef-client.

Running the error_report handler

Let’s start with the error_report handler. To run this, all you need to do is use the ‘chef_handler’ cookbook and add the following into a recipe in your runlist:

include_recipe "chef_handler"

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ErrorReport" do
  source "chef/handler/error_report"
  action :enable

After a chef-client run, this will create a file called ‘failed_run_data.json’ in the chef-client cache (typically ‘/var/chef/cache’) on the node it is running on.

Despite its name, this handler can be useful whether or not the run fails. Assuming your run succeeded, here’s what you’ll find in the ‘failed_run_data.json’ file.

"node": {
  "name": "m2",
  "chef_environment": "_default",
  "json_class": "Chef::Node",
  "automatic": {
  "kernel": {
  "name": "Linux",

The JSON data starts off with details about the node attributes, similar to what you get with ‘knife node show m2 -l -Fjson'.

  "success": true,
  "start_time": "2014-08-31 20:43:53 +0000",
  "end_time": "2014-08-31 20:44:28 +0000",
  "elapsed_time": 34.995100522,

It then lists some basic details about the chef-client run.

  "all_resources": [
      "json_class": "Chef::Resource::ChefHandler",
  "updated_resources": [
      "json_class": "Chef::Resource::ChefHandler",

The next JSON elements describe all of the resources that were part of the chef-client run, and which were updated.

  "exception": null,
  "backtrace": null,
  "run_id": "53e02623-1bc9-4b33-a08d-eeb89936feca"

And then finally there is information about the exception that occurred (which is null in this case, a successful run).

Running error_report handler when an exception occurs

Let’s create an exception by adding an invalid resource to the recipe:

include_recipe "chef_handler"

execute "brokenthing"

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ErrorReport" do
  source "chef/handler/error_report"
  action :enable

The chef-client run will fail with an error:

Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - brokenthing

But if you copied my recipe, the error report won’t have been updated! Why?

The problem is that the failing ‘execute’ resource happened before the error report handler was enabled. If you move the ‘execute’ resource after the chef_handler resource, the error report will be created. So one takeaway is that it is good practice to define handlers in a recipe that you put at the start of the runlist. But that’s not all that you want to do.

If the handler is the first resource encountered in the run, then it will report any errors happening when subsequent resources are executed. But sometimes exceptions happen before this, in what’s called the ‘compile’ phase (see About the chef-client Run). This is the phase where the chef-client constructs a list of all of the resources and actions that it is meant to perform, which it then executes in the ‘converge’ phase. For a much deeper explanation of this, see The chef resource run queue.

What we want to do is to enable the error report handler as early as possible in the compile phase, so it can catch errors occurring during this phase too. Here’s how to do that:

include_recipe "chef_handler"

execute "brokenthing"

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ErrorReport" do
  source "chef/handler/error_report"
  action :nothing

The end.run_action(:enable) tells Chef to do the “enable” action immediately on encountering the resource (i.e. during ‘compile’). The action :nothing tells Chef that it does not need to do anything during the ‘converge’ phase (as its already been enabled).

With this change, now you will find that the end of the error report has exception and backtrace information:

  "exception": "Errno::ENOENT: execute[brokenthing] (testapp::handlers line 11) had an error: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - brokenthing",
  "backtrace": [
    "/opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mixlib-shellout-1.4.0/lib/mixlib/shellout/unix.rb:320:in `exec'",
    "/opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mixlib-shellout-1.4.0/lib/mixlib/shellout/unix.rb:320:in `block in fork_subprocess'",

Only running error_report on exception

Perhaps you do not want to run the error_report handler on every run, just when an exception occurs. To do this, we override the default supports attribute on the resource to specify it should be used with exceptions only:

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::ErrorReport" do
  source "chef/handler/error_report"
  action :nothing
  supports :exception=>true

Replace :exception with :report if you only want the handler to run when the run is successful.

Running the json_file handler

The json_file handler is like the error_report handler, but puts the results into a timestamped file. The following chef_handler resource will result in data being written to /var/chef/reports/chef-run-report-20140831204047.json, for a run that started at 20:40:47 on 31st August 2014.

chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::JsonFile' do
  source 'chef/handler/json_file';
  arguments :path => '/var/chef/reports'
  action :nothing

This example illustrates how to pass parameters into a handler.

You can also choose to use the ‘json_file’ recipe in the chef_handler cookbook to achieve the same result.

An alternative – using the client.rb file

An alternative (as described in the Chef docs) to enabling the handler using the chef_handler resource is to add the following to the client.rb file (or solo.rb file):

require 'chef/handler/json_file'
report_handlers << => "/var/chef/reports")
exception_handlers << => "/var/chef/reports")

Using a custom handler

The next step is to use a custom handler, i.e. one that is not built into the chef-client. The extra dimension here is that you need to get the handler code onto the node before it is run. You can do this by putting your handler source in the ‘files’ directory of your cookbook and using a cookbook_file resource to transfer it to the node, e.g.:

cookbook_file "#{node["chef_handler"]["handler_path"]}/your_handler.rb" do
  source "your_handler.rb"
  owner "root"
  group "root"
  mode 00755
  action :nothing

The expression #{node["chef_handler"]["handler_path"]} gives you the directory in which the chef_handler resource expects to find your handler. As previously, we run the cookbook_file resource immediately to ensure the handler file is created during the compile phase, before the handler itself is run. If the handler doesn’t run until the converge phase, you can replace the last two lines with:

  action :create

The chef_handler::default recipe can also be used to transfer handlers to the target node. You will need to make a copy of the chef_handlers cookbook and place your handlers in the ‘files/default/handlers’ directory of that cookbook (or copy the code from the default recipe into your handler cookbook).

To enable this handler, you would then define a chef_handler resource that refers to the transferred handler file:

chef_handler 'YourHandlerModule::YourHandler' do
  source "#{node["chef_handler"]["handler_path"]}/your_handler.rb";
  action :nothing

For a real example you can try using, see Julian Dunn’s cookbook version handler.

Writing your own handler

To write a handler, you need to create a Ruby class that inherits from Chef::Handler and has a report method:

module YourHandlerModule
  class YourHandler < Chef::Handler
    def report
       # Handler code goes here

Put this code in the ‘your_handler.rb’ file in the ‘files’ directory of your handler cookbook.

Within the handler you can write arbitrary Ruby code, and you can use ‘run_status’ information available from the chef-client run. ‘run_status’ is basically the same information that is output by the ‘error_report’ handler. The information can be accessed through the following methods in the Ruby code:

  • data – a hash containing the run status
  • start_time, end_time, elapsed_time – times for the chef-client run
  • updated_resources, all_resources – the resources in the chef-client run
  • success?, failed? – methods that indicate if the chef-client run succeeded or failed

In the handler, you can access these directly or via the run_status object, e.g. ‘run_status.success?’ is equivalent to ‘success?’.

So for example, I can write the following handler:

require 'chef/log'

module TestApp
  module Handlers
     class UpdatedResources < Chef::Handler
      def report
        if success?
'Running Updated Resources handler after successful chef-client run')
'Running Updated Resources handler after failed chef-client run')
        end'Updated resources are:')
        updated_resources.each do |resource|


In the above, I use the success? method to test whether the run succeeded or not, and the updated_resources to loop through each resource updated during the run, and print it out as a string.

If you run ‘chef-client -linfo’ on the target node, you will see output similar to:

[2014-09-01T14:48:02+00:00] INFO: Running Updated Resources handler after successful chef-client run
[2014-09-01T14:48:02+00:00] INFO: Updated resources are:
[2014-09-01T14:48:02+00:00] INFO: chef_handler[Chef::Handler::JsonFile]
[2014-09-01T14:48:02+00:00] INFO: chef_handler[Chef::Handler::ErrorReport]
[2014-09-01T14:48:02+00:00] INFO: chef_handler[TestApp::Handlers::UpdatedResources]
  - TestApp::Handlers::UpdatedResources
Running handlers complete

In this case, the only updated resources in the chef-client run are the three chef_handlers in my handlers recipe. ‘chef_handler[TestApp::Handlers::UpdatedResources]’ is how the UpdatedResources handler is represented as a string.

You can also use the ‘to_hash’ method in place to ‘to_s’ in the above, to see what information is available about the resource. If you did this, you would see something like the following:

2014-09-01T14:54:25+00:00] INFO: {:name=>"TestApp::Handlers::UpdatedResources", :noop=>nil, 
:before=>nil, :params=>{}, :provider=>nil, :allowed_actions=>[:nothing, :enable, :disable], 
:action=>[:nothing], :updated=>true, :updated_by_last_action=>false, 
:supports=>{:report=>true, :exception=>true}, :ignore_failure=>false, :retries=>0, :retry_delay=>2, 
:source_line=>"/var/chef/cache/cookbooks/testapp/recipes/handlers.rb:41:in `from_file'", 
:guard_interpreter=>:default, :elapsed_time=>0.000480376, :resource_name=>:chef_handler, 
:cookbook_name=>"testapp", :recipe_name=>"handlers", 
:source=>"/var/chef/handlers/testapp_handlers.rb", :arguments=>[], 

From this, you might decide just to print out the name of the resource, e.g.:

        updated_resources.each do |resource|
"Updated resource with name: " + resource.to_hash[:name])

Don’t expect ‘to_hash’ to work in all cases – it depends on whether it has been implemented in the relevant Ruby class. And be aware it may not be the best way to access the data. For example, the above can better be achieved using the name method on the resource, i.e. ‘’ in place of ‘resource.to_hash[:name]’. Over time, you’ll want to get comfortable with using debuggers to look at the data and reading the chef source code to understand how best to access it.

As well as ‘run_status’, you also have access to the run_context. I’ve included links to a couple of examples using the run context below.

Chef Handler with a parameter

If you want to pass a parameter into your handler, you need to add an initialize method to the handler, as below. This allows you to set the arguments attribute in chef_handler, which is passed to the initialize method as a parameter called ‘config’.

    class UpdatedResourcesToFile < Chef::Handler

      def initialize(config={})
        @config = config
        @config[:path] ||= "/var/chef/reports"
      def report[:path], "lastrun-updated-resources.json"), "w") do |file|
          updated_resources.each do |resource|

What the above initialize method does is store the parameters in an attribute of the handler class called ‘@config’, and also sets a default value for the ‘path’ parameter. The ‘@’ indicates an attribute and means that the value is available to other methods in the class. The ‘report’ method can then access the path parameter using ‘@config[:path]’.

To enable the above handler, put something like the following in your handler recipe. You will also need to add a resource to create the path, if it doesn’t already exist.

chef_handler "TestApp::Handlers::UpdatedResourcesToFile" do
  source "#{node["chef_handler"]["handler_path"]}/testapp_handlers.rb"
  arguments :path => '/tmp'
  action :nothing
  supports :report=>true, :exception=>true

In the above, I am overriding the default path value so that the file is written out to ‘/tmp’ instead.

Examples of handlers

Here are some examples of handlers that you may find useful:

Managing software versions in a multi-node topology with knife-topo

Here’s a simple example of using knife-topo with Chef to manage the versions of software deployed in a multi-node topology. This post assumes you have Vagrant and ChefDK installed.

The example topology that we’ll work with consists of three nodes as shown below:


However, in this post, we’ll only define and deploy two of the nodes using knife-topo, Chef and Vagrant. I’ll introduce the third node in a later blog to illustrate some more complex uses of the topology JSON (such as conditional attributes). You can also look at the full example in the test-repo in knife-topo’s github repository.

Describing the topology

Define the nodes

The first step is to describe the topology that we want. Below is a minimal topology JSON file describing the two nodes in the topology (‘test1’). The ‘name’ property for the nodes defines the node name that will be used in Chef. The ‘ssh_host’ property specifies the address to use in bootstrapping the nodes.

  "name": "test1",
  "nodes": [
      "name": "appserver01",
      "ssh_host": ""
      "name": "dbserver01",
      "ssh_host": ""

This is sufficient to allow knife-topo to bootstrap the appserver and dbserver nodes, so that they will be managed by Chef. You can try this out by following the instructions later to download a test repo, run Vagrant and chef-zero, however, the results may be rather underwhelming. A data bag describing the topology will be created, Chef will be bootstrapped onto the two nodes, and they will register themselves with the server, but that’s all. You will also get warnings during bootstrap that the nodes have no runlists.

Define the runlists

Let’s fix the missing runlists now:

  "name": "test1",
  "nodes": [
      "name": "appserver01",
      "ssh_host": "",
      "run_list": [
      "name": "dbserver01",
      "ssh_host": "",
      "run_list": [

The recipes in these runlistsinstall the software (mongodb, nodejs, and a test application) on the nodes, and are provided in the test repo, along with a Berksfile to manage the dependencies. However, they do not specify what versions of the software should be installed. If you try running the example now, the latest versions will be chosen. But we want to get control of what’s on our topology. We can do this by defining the software versions as attributes in an environment cookbook specific to our topology.

Defining specific software versions as attributes in an environment cookbook

Here’s the first addition that’s needed to deploy specific software versions. We add a “cookbook_attributes” section, specify the name of the environment cookbook (‘testsys_test1’) and the attribute file we want (‘softwareversion’), and the necessary version attributes to install NodeJS version 0.10.28, and MongoDB version 2.6.1.

  "name": "test1",
  "nodes": [
  "cookbook_attributes": [
      "cookbook": "testsys_test1",
      "filename": "softwareversion",
      "normal": {
        "nodejs": {
          "version": "0.10.28",
          "checksum_linux_x64": "5f41f4a90861bddaea92addc5dfba5357de40962031c2281b1683277a0f75932"
        "mongodb": {
          "package_version": "2.6.1"

The second change is to add the environment cookbook to the runlists for the two nodes:

  "name": "test1",
  "nodes": [
      "name": "appserver01",
      "ssh_host": "",
      "run_list": [
      "name": "dbserver01",
      "ssh_host": "",
      "run_list": [
  "cookbook_attributes": [

The topology JSON is now ready to use – go ahead and try it.

A word of warning if you ran knife-topo with runlists but no specific software versions – there’s currently a bug in the mongodb cookbook that means it can’t handle downgrades. So you may want to destroy the virtual machines (‘vagrant destroy’) and start again (or see troubleshooting for an alternative).

Running the example

These instructions may be enough to get you started. If you want more details or encounter problems, see these instructions and the knife-topo readme.

Setting up the environment

Install Vagrant and ChefDK if you do not already have them. Neither are required for knife-topo, but this post uses them.

Install knife-topo using gem. You may need to use ‘sudo’.

gem install knife-topo

To get the test repo, it’s easiest to download and unzip the latest knife-topo release from github (replace ‘0.0.7’ with the latest release number):

unzip -d

The test-repo gives you a multi-node Vagrantfile similar to what that I described in my previous post. Use that to create the virtual machines:

cd ~/knife-topo-0.0.7/test-repo
vagrant up

When the virtual machines have started (this can take a while the first time), you can start chef-zero. If you have chefDK, you can use the embedded chef-zero, or you can install chef-zero as a gem. Here’s how to start the embedded chef-zero on Ubuntu:

/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/chef-zero -H

Importing the pre-requisites

Leave chef-zero running, open a new terminal and go to the test-repo, then upload the required cookbooks using berkshelf:

cd ~/knife-topo-0.0.7/test-repo
berks install
berks upload

Save your topology file as “mytopo.json” in the test-repo, then import your topology into your Chef workspace:

knife topo import mytopo.json

Do not name the file “test1.json” or it will cause an error later on when we load the test1 topology from the data bag file (knife looks for data bag files in the current directory BEFORE it looks in the data bag directory).

If you are using the final topology JSON, ‘knife-topo import’ will have generated some useful artifacts for you: in particular, an attribute file in the topology cookbook containing the specified software versions. This file is in “knife-topo-0.0.7/test-repo/cookbooks/testsys_test1/attributes/softwareversion.rb” and should look like:

# Cookbook Name:: testsys_test1
# Attribute File:: softwareversion.rb
# Copyright 2014, YOUR_COMPANY_NAME
normal['nodejs']['version'] = "0.10.28"
normal['nodejs']['checksum_linux_x64'] = "5f41f4a90861bddaea92addc5dfba5357de40962031c2281b1683277a0f75932"
normal['mongodb']['package_version'] = "2.6.1"

Bootstrapping the topology

knife topo create test1 --bootstrap -xvagrant -Pvagrant --sudo

This command uploads the topology cookbook, creates the test topology in the Chef server and bootstraps all nodes that provide an ‘ssh_host’. After it finishes, you should have a working two node topology with the specified software versions. The test application welcome screen is at: http://localhost:3031

Multi-node topologies using Vagrant and chef-zero

I’ve been bootstrapping a lot of multi-node topologies recently. Here’s some things I learned about making it easier with Vagrant and chef-zero. I also wrote a Chef knife plugin (knife-topo) – but more of that in a later post.

Multiple VM Vagrant files

The basics of a multi-VM vagrant file as described in the Vagrant documentation is that you have a “config.vm.define” statement for each machine, and setup the machine-specific configuration within its block. This looks something like:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu64"
  config.vm.box_url = ""
  config.vm.synced_folder "/ypo", "/ypo"
  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true

  # setup appserver
  config.vm.define "appserver" do |appserver_config|
    appserver_config.vm.hostname = "appserver"
    # other VM configuration for appserver goes here

  # setup dbserver
  config.vm.define "dbserver" do |dbserver_config|
    dbserver_config.vm.hostname = "dbserver"
    # other VM configuration for dbserver goes here

Lines 2-3 tell Vagrant what to put on the machines, and where to get it. Lines 4-5 are optional: line 4 sets up a directory on the host machine which will be accessible to each guest virtual machine; line 5 disables the default share.

Lines 7-10 and 13-15 each define a virtual machine (appserver and dbserver).  The two config variables (appserver_config and dbserver_config) are like the overall ‘config’ variable, but scoped to a specific machine.

This is fine when you don’t have much configuration information for each node, but it gets hard to read, laborious and error-prone to maintain when you start having lots of configuration statements or lots of nodes.

Separating out the configuration of the virtual machines

I got this approach from a post by Joshua Timberman in the days before I learned Ruby, and it was a great help in cleaning up my Vagrantfile.  Separating out the machine (node) configuration makes it so much easier to understand and update the Vagrant file.

First, we define a structure (Ruby hash) that describes how we want the nodes to be configured:

nodes = {
  :dbserver => {
    :hostname => "dbserver",
    :ipaddress => "",
    :run_list => [ "role[base-ubuntu]", "recipe[ypo::db]" ]
  :appserver => {
    :hostname => "appserver",
    :ipaddress => "",
    :run_list => [ "role[base-ubuntu]", "recipe[ypo::appserver]"],
      :forwardport => {
        :guest => 3001,
        :host => 3031

The above defines two nodes, dbserver and appserver.  Lines 3-5 and 8-10 set up their hostnames, IP addresses and the run lists to use with Chef provisioning. Lines 11-13 set up port forwarding, so that what the application server listens for on port 3001 will be accessible through port 3031 on the host machine.

Second, we use the nodes hash to configure the VMs, with code something like this:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  nodes.each do |node, options|
    config.vm.define node do |node_config| :private_network, ip: options[:ipaddress]
      if options.has_key?(:forwardport) :forwarded_port, guest: options[:forwardport][:guest], host: options[:forwardport][:host]
    node_config.vm.hostname = options[:hostname]
    # Chef provisioning options go here (see below)

Line 2 loops through the nodes hash, defining the configuration of each machine. Line 4 sets up the machine on a private network with a fixed IP address as specified in the nodes hash. Lines 5-7 setup port forwarding, if configured in the nodes hash. Line 9 sets up the hostname from the nodes hash.

Multiple nodes with a single chef-zero

chef-zero is an in-memory Chef server – a replacement for chef-solo. It’s a great way to test recipes, because it is just like a ‘real’ chef server. By default, it listens only locally, on However, you can run it so that other nodes can access it – for example, all of the VMs in the Vagrantfile.  Doing this lets you use recipes requiring search of other nodes’ attributes, e.g. for dynamic configuration of connections between nodes. When you’re done testing, you just stop chef-zero – no cleanup of the server required.

You can install chef-zero as a gem:

gem install chef-zero

The machines defined above are all on the 10.0.1.x private network. So all we need to do is start chef-zero on that network, using:

chef-zero -H

and configure the VMs with a chef server URL of “”. Because the Vagrantfile is reading configuration from the knife.rb file, all we need to do is set variables in knife.rb – something like:

node_name                "workstation"
client_key               "#{current_dir}/dummy.pem"
validation_client_name   "validator"
validation_key           "#{current_dir}/dummy.pem"
chef_server_url          ""

The dummy.pem can be any validly formatted .pem file.

Using Chef provisioning with Vagrant

Running chef-client using Vagrant provisioning

Sometimes it is very useful to have Vagrant provision your machines using chef-client. The Vagrant documentation provides you with the basics for doing this, but not a lot else. The first useful tip (again from Joshua Timberman) is to use your knife.rb configuration file rather than hard-coding the server URL and authentication information. To do this, add the following at the top of the Vagrantfile:

require 'chef'
require 'chef/config'
require 'chef/knife'
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)

These five lines read in the configuration from your knife.rb file (change ‘../chef/knife.rb” to be the path to your knife.rb) and make it available to be used as below, which shows code to that should be inside the “nodes.each” block described previously:

node_config.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
  chef.chef_server_url = Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]
  chef.validation_key_path = Chef::Config[:validation_key]
  chef.validation_client_name = Chef::Config[:validation_client_name] 
  chef.node_name = options[:hostname]
  chef.run_list = options[:run_list]
  chef.provisioning_path = "/etc/chef"
  chef.log_level = :info

Lines 2-4 setup the connection to the Chef server. Lines 5-6 setup the node name and run list from the options hash we defined earlier. Setting the provisioning_path to “/etc/chef” puts the client.rb in the place that chef-client expects it, and setting log_level to “:info” provides a decent level of output (change to “:debug” if you have problems with the provisioning).

Cleaning up the Chef Server on vagrant destroy

When you destroy a Vagrant VM that you have provisioned using a Chef Server, you need to delete the node and client on the Chef server before you reprovision it in Vagrant. The following lines added into the node_config.vm.provision block above should do this for you:

chef.delete_node = true
chef.delete_client = true

However, there is an issue with this – it does not work for me, so I always have to use knife to manually clean up:

knife node delete appserver
knife client delete appserver

Controlling the version of chef-client

Initially I was running into issues because the chef client used by the Vagrant chef provisioner was back-level. This post on StackOverflow solved the problem for me. Install the chef-omnibus Vagrant plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

and specify the version of chef-client you want to use in the node configuration part of the Vagrant file:

node_config.omnibus.chef_version = "11.12.8"


node_config.omnibus.chef_version = :latest

to install the latest version.