Spend less time waiting, more time Cheffing

Vagrant is wonderful, but I hate waiting for my virtual machines to come up. Here’s some things I have done to reduce that wait:

Use Vagrant’s locally managed boxes

When you are starting up a machine based on a completely new box, the most painful wait is usually for the box to download. Make sure you don’t have to wait more than once: use vagrant box add to add it into vagrant’s locally managed boxes. For example, to add Ubuntu 12.04:

vagrant box add precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box

This will give you a box that you can now refer to as “precise64” in your Vagrantfiles. You can use whatever name you want for the first parameter (‘precise64’) in the example. The second parameter is the URL to obtain the box, see this list of base boxes.

In this example, your Vagrantfile will contain something like line 1 in the following:

  config.vm.box ="precise64";
  config.vm.box_url = "http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box";

Line 2 is entirely optional, and tells vagrant where to get the box if it is not found in the local cache. It’s useful for when you reuse your Vagrant file on another machine, share it with someone else, or when you forget where you got the box from!

Use vagrant-cachier with vagrant-omnibus

After storing the box locally, my next longest waiting time was for the omnibus installer to download the Chef image. I looked into how to do a knife bootstrap from a local image, but that involved replacing the entire chef bootstrap script. Matt Stratton instead pointed me at vagrant-cachier, a plugin that provides a shared package cache. You can also use it to cache other packages like apt and gems that you are installing on the virtual machine. What it does is configure the package manager to use a package cache that is a shared folder between host and guest. This cache is used by the vagrant-omnibus plugin to bootstrap chef onto the virtual machine. Make sure you have recent versions of both plugins. Here’s how to install them:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier

It seems that vagrant-omnibus is quite specific about when it uses the cache. Here’s what worked for me.

if Vagrant.hasPlugin?("vagrant-cachier")
  config.cache.auto_detect = true
  config.cache.scope = :machine
  config.omnibus.cache_packages = true
  config.omnibus.chef_version = "11.16.0"

Line 1 makes sure that you dont get errors if the cachier plugin isn’t installed.

Line 2 enables caching for all types of packages. Beware of this – if you’re actually trying to test downloading from various package repositories, this setting may not work for you. I tried enabling only Chef with config.cache.auto_detect = false and config.cache.enable :chef but it seems like this doesn’t work for the omnibus installer, only for things like cookbooks that would be placed in ‘/var/chef/cache’ during a chef-client run.

Line 3 restricts package sharing to a specific machine. Although it’s tempting to use the :box setting and share across all machines using the same box, it’s dangerous (if you ever run more than one machine at once you may well get locking problems – the package managers will all treat the cache as if its a local filesystem). Further, the omnibus plugin appears to require a scope of machine before it will use the cache.

Line 4 is needed to tell omnibus that you really do want to use the cache.

Line 5 is optional and sets the specific Chef version you want to use.

With this configuration, the packages once downloaded are stored on the host machine in ‘.vagrant/machines/dbserver/cache’ (where ‘dbserver’ is the machine name in the Vagrantfile). You may need to go to this folder from time to time, to check on the cache size or to clear it out. They are shared with the guest in ‘/tmp/vagrant-cache’.

Run vbguest plugin only when needed

Plugins can make a difference to startup time. Case in point: early on I had some problems with Vagrant shared folders caused by different Guest Addition version on the guest versus Virtualbox, and so I started using the vagrant-vbguest plugin to resolve that problem. It’s great, but it takes a little while to apply the kernel updates when creating a new machine. If you are really shaving time off getting a new machine running, you may reconsider updating guest additions automatically.

Turn auto-update off for vbguest plugin

Much of the time, the mismatch between guest additions and Vagrant is not a showstopper, so you may want to start by just reporting the mismatch, i.e. turning auto_update off for the vbguest plugin (if you have it).

  config.vbguest.auto_update = false

If you decide to update guest additions, change the property in the Vagrantfile and vagrant up, or simply run:

  vagrant vbguest --do install

You are advised to reboot the virtual machine afterwards, e.g. using vagrant reload.

Remove vbguest plugin

Use vagrant plugin list to see which plugins you have, and sudo vagrant plugin remove vagrant-vbguest to remove the vbguest plugin if you have it.

Package a custom box

When I have a stable setup, I sometimes package my own box with the right version of Guest Additions and Chef. To do this, get a machine setup with the Chef and Virtual Additions that you want (plus anything else). Halt the machine, then package it as a box using something like:

vagrant package dbserver --output myprecise64.box
vagrant add myprecise64 ./myprecise64.box

Where ‘dbserver’ is the name of the machine in the Vagrantfile from which to create the box, and ‘myprecise64.box’ is the filename to output the box to. Now replace “precise64” with “myprecise64” in your Vagrantfile, and your machines will (at least for now) have the right version of Chef and Guest Additions.

Multi-node topologies using Vagrant and chef-zero

I’ve been bootstrapping a lot of multi-node topologies recently. Here’s some things I learned about making it easier with Vagrant and chef-zero. I also wrote a Chef knife plugin (knife-topo) – but more of that in a later post.

Multiple VM Vagrant files

The basics of a multi-VM vagrant file as described in the Vagrant documentation is that you have a “config.vm.define” statement for each machine, and setup the machine-specific configuration within its block. This looks something like:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "ubuntu64"
  config.vm.box_url = "http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box"
  config.vm.synced_folder "/ypo", "/ypo"
  config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true

  # setup appserver
  config.vm.define "appserver" do |appserver_config|
    appserver_config.vm.hostname = "appserver"
    # other VM configuration for appserver goes here

  # setup dbserver
  config.vm.define "dbserver" do |dbserver_config|
    dbserver_config.vm.hostname = "dbserver"
    # other VM configuration for dbserver goes here

Lines 2-3 tell Vagrant what to put on the machines, and where to get it. Lines 4-5 are optional: line 4 sets up a directory on the host machine which will be accessible to each guest virtual machine; line 5 disables the default share.

Lines 7-10 and 13-15 each define a virtual machine (appserver and dbserver).  The two config variables (appserver_config and dbserver_config) are like the overall ‘config’ variable, but scoped to a specific machine.

This is fine when you don’t have much configuration information for each node, but it gets hard to read, laborious and error-prone to maintain when you start having lots of configuration statements or lots of nodes.

Separating out the configuration of the virtual machines

I got this approach from a post by Joshua Timberman in the days before I learned Ruby, and it was a great help in cleaning up my Vagrantfile.  Separating out the machine (node) configuration makes it so much easier to understand and update the Vagrant file.

First, we define a structure (Ruby hash) that describes how we want the nodes to be configured:

nodes = {
  :dbserver => {
    :hostname => "dbserver",
    :ipaddress => "",
    :run_list => [ "role[base-ubuntu]", "recipe[ypo::db]" ]
  :appserver => {
    :hostname => "appserver",
    :ipaddress => "",
    :run_list => [ "role[base-ubuntu]", "recipe[ypo::appserver]"],
      :forwardport => {
        :guest => 3001,
        :host => 3031

The above defines two nodes, dbserver and appserver.  Lines 3-5 and 8-10 set up their hostnames, IP addresses and the run lists to use with Chef provisioning. Lines 11-13 set up port forwarding, so that what the application server listens for on port 3001 will be accessible through port 3031 on the host machine.

Second, we use the nodes hash to configure the VMs, with code something like this:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  nodes.each do |node, options|
    config.vm.define node do |node_config|
      node_config.vm.network :private_network, ip: options[:ipaddress]
      if options.has_key?(:forwardport)
        node_config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: options[:forwardport][:guest], host: options[:forwardport][:host]
    node_config.vm.hostname = options[:hostname]
    # Chef provisioning options go here (see below)

Line 2 loops through the nodes hash, defining the configuration of each machine. Line 4 sets up the machine on a private network with a fixed IP address as specified in the nodes hash. Lines 5-7 setup port forwarding, if configured in the nodes hash. Line 9 sets up the hostname from the nodes hash.

Multiple nodes with a single chef-zero

chef-zero is an in-memory Chef server – a replacement for chef-solo. It’s a great way to test recipes, because it is just like a ‘real’ chef server. By default, it listens only locally, on However, you can run it so that other nodes can access it – for example, all of the VMs in the Vagrantfile.  Doing this lets you use recipes requiring search of other nodes’ attributes, e.g. for dynamic configuration of connections between nodes. When you’re done testing, you just stop chef-zero – no cleanup of the server required.

You can install chef-zero as a gem:

gem install chef-zero

The machines defined above are all on the 10.0.1.x private network. So all we need to do is start chef-zero on that network, using:

chef-zero -H

and configure the VMs with a chef server URL of “”. Because the Vagrantfile is reading configuration from the knife.rb file, all we need to do is set variables in knife.rb – something like:

node_name                "workstation"
client_key               "#{current_dir}/dummy.pem"
validation_client_name   "validator"
validation_key           "#{current_dir}/dummy.pem"
chef_server_url          ""

The dummy.pem can be any validly formatted .pem file.

Using Chef provisioning with Vagrant

Running chef-client using Vagrant provisioning

Sometimes it is very useful to have Vagrant provision your machines using chef-client. The Vagrant documentation provides you with the basics for doing this, but not a lot else. The first useful tip (again from Joshua Timberman) is to use your knife.rb configuration file rather than hard-coding the server URL and authentication information. To do this, add the following at the top of the Vagrantfile:

require 'chef'
require 'chef/config'
require 'chef/knife'
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)

These five lines read in the configuration from your knife.rb file (change ‘../chef/knife.rb” to be the path to your knife.rb) and make it available to be used as below, which shows code to that should be inside the “nodes.each” block described previously:

node_config.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef|
  chef.chef_server_url = Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]
  chef.validation_key_path = Chef::Config[:validation_key]
  chef.validation_client_name = Chef::Config[:validation_client_name] 
  chef.node_name = options[:hostname]
  chef.run_list = options[:run_list]
  chef.provisioning_path = "/etc/chef"
  chef.log_level = :info

Lines 2-4 setup the connection to the Chef server. Lines 5-6 setup the node name and run list from the options hash we defined earlier. Setting the provisioning_path to “/etc/chef” puts the client.rb in the place that chef-client expects it, and setting log_level to “:info” provides a decent level of output (change to “:debug” if you have problems with the provisioning).

Cleaning up the Chef Server on vagrant destroy

When you destroy a Vagrant VM that you have provisioned using a Chef Server, you need to delete the node and client on the Chef server before you reprovision it in Vagrant. The following lines added into the node_config.vm.provision block above should do this for you:

chef.delete_node = true
chef.delete_client = true

However, there is an issue with this – it does not work for me, so I always have to use knife to manually clean up:

knife node delete appserver
knife client delete appserver

Controlling the version of chef-client

Initially I was running into issues because the chef client used by the Vagrant chef provisioner was back-level. This post on StackOverflow solved the problem for me. Install the chef-omnibus Vagrant plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus

and specify the version of chef-client you want to use in the node configuration part of the Vagrant file:

node_config.omnibus.chef_version = "11.12.8"


node_config.omnibus.chef_version = :latest

to install the latest version.